This blog is a forum for discussion of literature, rhetoric and composition for Ms. Parrish's AP Language and Composition class

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Catcher pre-discussion discussion

Some things to think about before the discussion test (both for those of you who missed class yesterday and for those who want to continue talking about some of the things we began discussing)

1. Think about the structure of the book--how important are the first/last chapter in our understanding of Salinger's purpose? Of Holden as a character?

2. Literary allusions... The Great Gatsby, A Farwell to Arms, Of Human Bondage, The Return of the Native, Oliver Twist, Emily Dickinson (think about how Allie calls her a war poet) and of course the Robert Burns poem to which the title (erroneously) alludes: how do these enhance our reading of the text? Setting the novel in a high school works well for incorporating canonical literature without it seeming hackneyed, but why these specific texts and authors?

3. We talked about museums and the purpose they serve (preserving, freezing artifacts), but how do the other places Holden visits in New York serve to enhance our understanding of his desire, anxiety, nostalgia or emotional state in general?

Feel free to post other questions or ideas, these are just a starting point. Enjoy your weekend, wear your red hunting hats if you go out in the snow.