This blog is a forum for discussion of literature, rhetoric and composition for Ms. Parrish's AP Language and Composition class

Friday, January 29, 2010

JD Salinger: Obituaries, Discussions, etc.

In the day since Salinger's death, there has already been a lot of speculation about what will happen to the alleged safe full of manuscripts, the rights for a Catcher in the Rye movie, and Salinger's decision to live in solitude for the last five decades of his life.

Amidst all of this, I have noticed a surprising amount being written about the impact that his fiction, not just Catcher, but predominantly that novel, had on students, teachers, and readers in general.

Below are some of the more interesting links I found.

New York Times "Taking a Walk Through Salinger's New York":

The New Yorker's homage to Salinger, including links to all 13 of the stories he originally published there (two of which, "Franny" and "Zooey" later became a novel)

The Huffington Post created a forum for people to blog about Salinger, his work, etc. The forum poses and addresses the questions "How did "Catcher in the Rye" change your life? Where were you the first time you read "A Perfect Day For Bananafish?" Who did you fall more in love with: Franny or Zooey?" It requires a log in but other projects like this that I've seen on the Huffington Post have been really interesting.

And finally, from The Onion (a satirical newspaper)...Bunch of Phonies Mourn JD Salinger
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